How to Lose Weight with Konjac Powder?
Weight Loss Principle of Konjac Powder:
For the claim that konjac powder can lose weight, I believe there are many people with doubts. Why can konjac powder lose weight? To understand the weight loss principle of konjac powder, I believe you can get to know why konjac powder can lose weight.
1. It has very few calories.
2. It has a satiating effect.
Eating Konjac powder, first of all, will not make you feel panicked and heart pound, also it will not give you "bad breath" from not eating. 10 grams before breakfast and 10 grams before dinner will be OK. At the beginning of eating konjac powder will have a very bloated feeling, which is a normal phenomenon, it will return to normal after about 3 days.
You can try to fill a cup with 1/5 of the konjac powder and stir with water, you will find that even if it's a full cup, it's still pretty sticky. So even you just eat a small amount of konjac powder, you will not feel hungry once the stomach is swollen, and if you're not hungry, you won't eat again. Besides, it has so few calories that it's hard not to lose weight.
When eating konjac powder, it must be noted that with the increase of time to eat Konjac powder, people will eat less, which will lead to less nutrients needed by the human body and lead to malnutrition. So when we eat konjac powder, we should also pay attention to add more vitamins and trace elements.
How to Lose Weight with Konjac Powder?
1. For fat dieters on an empty stomach in the morning, take 3-5 grams of this product, add about 250ml warm water and stir well, 2-3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals (1 kg can be taken for 2-3 months).
2. For detoxification and defecation, take 5 grams of this product, add about 200ml of water and stir well for drinking! 1-2 times a day.
3. You can add konjac powder and vegetables to the soup before meals to create a sense of satiety and reduce the need for other foods.
4. At ordinary times you can eat konjac powder mixed with nutritional powders like milk powder, corn powder etc, so that you can achieve the effect of weight loss and health care.
Precautions for losing weight with konjac powder
1. Konjac powder is more suitable for drinking before dinner, mainly to form a sense of satiety, Konjac powder is difficult to dissolve,, gelatinous and slimy, it is best to drink with warm water while stirring.
2. Konjac powder is very low in calories, and long-term consumption of Konjac powder can reduce consumption and increase the desire to overeat.
Weight loss effect of Konjac powder
1. Relaxing bowel
With refined diet and aging, the number of people with constipation increases sharply. Constipation prevention is mainly to increase the content of dietary fiber in the diet, such as eating roughage, vegetables, fruits and so on. In addition, Konjac is also a very good choice, rich in dietary fiber, which can absorb water, increase stool volume, improve intestinal flora; Intestinal bacterias break down dietary fiber, produce lower fatty acids, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, speed up the removal of sediment from the intestinal wall, so that get rid of the harmful toxins in the body as soon as possible. Konjac is therefore regarded as a "gastrointestinal scavenger".
2. Regulating lipid metabolism
Konjac has the function of promoting blood flow and preventing bruising. Its mucus protein, niacin, vitamin C, E, etc., can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, prevent arteriosclerosis and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, Konjac can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, making it the best food for fat reduction.
3. Satisfy hunger and losing weight
Konjac is a famous diet food, weight loss is the unique function of Konjac. It has been proved that the Glucomannan contained in it will absorb water and expand, and can increase to 30 ~ 100 times the original volume. Due to its large molecular weight and high viscosity, it can delay the absorption of glucose and effectively reduce postprandial blood sugar, thus reducing hunger and lossing weight.