Food Ingredient - Inulin
Inulin is a fructan mixture formed by the polymerization of 2-60 fructose molecules. After entering the human large intestine, it is fermented and absorbed by beneficial bacteria. Therefore, inulin is also called compound polysaccharide or compound prebiotic. It is the highest quality natural water-soluble dietary fiber found so far.
Sources of Inulin
Inulin is widely distributed in nature. It is also found in some fungi and bacteria, but its main source is plants. Inulin is found in everyday plants such as Onions, garlic, bananas, and wheat. However, inulin is mainly found in Compositae plants. The inulin content in Jerusalem artichoke (the main raw material of domestic inulin) is 14%-19%, and the content in chicory (the main raw material of European inulin) is 15%-20%.
Functional characteristics of inulin
Control blood lipid
Intake of inulin can effectively reduce serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), increase the ratio of high-density lipoprotein/low-density lipoprotein, and improve blood lipid status. Hidaka et al. reported that elderly patients aged 50-90 years, daily intake of 8g short-chain dietary fiber, two weeks later, blood triglycerides and total cholesterol levels decreased. Yamashita et al. fed 8g of inulin to 18 diabetics for two weeks, and the total cholesterol decreased by 7.9%, but the HDL-cholesterol remained unchanged. However, in the control group fed with food, the above parameters did not change.
Many dietary fibers reduce blood lipid levels by absorbing fat in the intestines and forming fat-fiber complexes that linger in the feces. Moreover, inulin itself ferments into short-chain fatty acids and lactate, a regulator of liver metabolism, before it reaches the end of the gut. Short-chain fatty acids (acetate and propionate) can be used as fuel in the blood, and propionate inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol.
lower blood sugar
For diabetics, proper diet is the main treatment method. Inulin tastes slightly sweet and is a fructose polymer. It is basically not decomposed or absorbed during the process of human mouth, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, inulin will not affect blood sugar level after ingestion from the mouth and can be used as food for diabetic patients.
More and more scientists pay attention to the mechanism of inulin lowering blood glucose level. Some scholars believe that the high viscosity of inulin leads to an increase in the thickness of intestinal mucosa, which reduces the absorption of glucose. Some scholars believe that, on the one hand, short-chain fatty acids produced by inulin fermentation promote the synthesis of liver glycogen, while fructooligosaccharide can promote the body's absorption of Mg2+, thus reducing the risk of diabetes.
Improve intestinal function
Inulin is a prebiotic, which is a undigested food component that selectively stimulates and promotes the growth and vitality of one or several colonic microorganisms that are beneficial to the health of the host. Inulin can be fermented in the human colon, making bifidobacteria proliferate 5-10 times, While inhibiting the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, which can significantly improve constipation and diarrhea caused by the abuse of antibiotics.
After inulin is fermented in the colon, it increases the microbial flora and the amount of gas, thereby promoting intestinal peristalsis, shortening the residence time of feces in the colon, speeding up the movement, reducing the time of water absorption, increasing the weight of feces, and effectively preventing constipate. At the same time, it also increases the excretion of feces, so that the carcinogens in the intestinal tract are also diluted. Therefore, the stimulation of the carcinogens on the intestinal wall cells is reduced, which is beneficial to the prevention of colon cancer.
Promotes mineral absorption
Dietary fiber in the diet can reduce the intestinal absorption of certain minerals. However, the intake of inulin as a soluble dietary fiber does not inhibit the absorption of mineral elements, but promotes the absorption of mineral elements such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+.
Applications of inulin in food
1. Processed low-fat foods (eg, creams, spreads)
2.Prepare a high-fiber diet
3. It can be used as a bifidobacteria proliferation factor and belongs to prebiotic food ingredients
4. For milk drinks, yogurt, liquid milk
5. For baked goods
6. Used in fruit juice drinks, functional water drinks, sports drinks, fruit dew, jelly
7. For milk powder, fresh milk dry eating chips, cheese, frozen desserts
8.For health food
At present, inulin has been approved as a nutritional supplement for food by more than 40 countries in the world. As the raw material and carrier of various healthy foods such as preventing and treating constipation, diabetes and obesity. Inulin is one of the best ingredients or functional ingredients for regulating intestinal flora, regulating blood lipids, promoting calcium or mineral absorption and other health foods or functional foods (weight loss foods).