
Inulin is a specific type of water soluble fiber extracted with hot water from chicory and jerusalem artichoke, the later has better taste and more nutrients. 

Botanical source:Chicorium intybus, Helianthus tuberosus L.

Synonyms:Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin Chicory Inulin

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Product Introduction
Appearance: Fine Light Yellow PowderParticle Size: 80 Mesh
Loss on Drying: NMT 4%Ash Content: NMT 0.2%
Total Plate Count:<1,000cfu/gTotal Yeast & Mold:<100cfu/g
E. Coli:NegativeSalmonella:Negative

Heavy Metals
Arsenic (As): NMT 0.5ppmLead (Pb): NMT 0.2ppm
Cadmium (Cd): NMT 0.2ppmMercury(Hg): NMT 0.1ppm

Inulin is a specific type of water soluble fiber extracted with hot water from chicory and Jerusalem artichoke, the later has better taste and more nutrients. Inulin, usually referred to as long-chain inulin, it has a creamy mouthfeel, so it is often used to help reduce the fat in products; Inulin gets a lot of attention because it' s a "prebiotic", meaning it's a dietary fiber that feeds and promotes the growth of healthy microorganisms in our digestive tract, which aid in healthy digestion and improve immune systems, the water soluble fiber increases the amounts of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli bacteria in our gut.

1. With soluble fiber which can create gel when passes through the body. Fiber won' t digested in the human body, it passes through to the intestine largely intact, and it feeds the good bacteria that live there. 

2. Reducing the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body.

3. Increasing calcium absorption. 

Shipment Details
1. Packing: Packed in fiber drum, LDPE bag inside. Net weight: 25kgs/drum; 
2. Storage: Keep tightly sealed, store away from moisture, strong heat and sunlight;
3. Lead time: Usually 7-10days after order confirmed;
4. Shelf Life: 2 years if sealed and stored in the recommended conditions;