Mulberry Fruit Extract

Mulberry Fruit Extract is a powder extracted from high-quality mulberry fruit. Its appearance is purple fine powder, which is easily soluble in water. Mulberry is usually used as a cathartic and antiseptic in alternative medicine, but it is also believed to reduce cholesterol and provide better diabetes control. 

Botanical source:FructusMori

Synonyms:Mulberry Fruit Powder Anthocyanins Anthocyanidins

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Product Introduction
Appearance: Fine Purple PowderParticle Size: 80Mesh
Loss on Drying: NMT 5%Ash Content: NMT 5%
Total Plate Count: <10,000cfu/gTotal Yeast & Mold:<1,000cfu/g
E. Coli:NegativeSalmonella:Negative

Heavy Metals
Arsenic (As): NMT 2ppmLead (Pb): NMT 2ppm
Cadmium (Cd): NMT 1ppmMercury(Hg): NMT 0.1ppm


Mulberry Fruit Extract is a powder extracted from high-quality mulberry fruit. Its appearance is purple fine powder, which is easily soluble in water. Mulberry is usually used as a cathartic and antiseptic in alternative medicine, but it is also believed to reduce cholesterol and provide better diabetes control. Mulberry Fruit Extract has anti-inflammatory, sedative, antibacterial and hypoglycemic effects.

Mulberry Fruit Extract is rich in tannic acid, malic acid, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C and other nutrients. It can enhance immune function and stimulate lymphocyte transformation.
In addition, although it has high sugar content, it is not high in calories, so people who are obese and lose weight can still eat it in moderation. It contains fatty acids, which can also reduce blood pressure, blood lipid and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.


1. Lower blood pressure.

2. The effect on sedation and stability.

3. Treatment of asthmatic cough.

4. It can lower blood sugar.

5. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Shipment Details
1. Packing: Packed in fiber drum, LDPE bag inside. Net weight: 25kgs/drum; 
2. Storage: Keep tightly sealed, store away from moisture, strong heat and sunlight;
3. Lead time: Usually 7-10days after order confirmed;
4. Shelf Life: 2 years if sealed and stored in the recommended conditions;