Pumpkin Powder

Natural Pure Pumpkin Powder

Botanical Source: Cucurbita moschata

Part Used: Ripe Fruit

Botanical source:Cucurbita moschata(Duch)Poiret

Synonyms:Pumpkin Powder

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Product Introduction
Appearance: Fine Yellowish Brown to Light Yellow PowderParticle Size: 80 mesh
Loss on Drying: NMT 12%Ash Content: NMT 12%
Total Plate Count: <100,000cfu/gTotal Yeast & Mold: <10,000cfu/g
E. Coli: NegativeSalmonella: Negative

Heavy Metals
Arsenic (As): NMT 5ppmLead (Pb): NMT 5ppm
Cadmium (Cd): NMT 1ppmMercury(Hg): NMT 1ppm


Pumpkin powder comes from ripe pumpkin. It is rich in glucose, starch, protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium and other elements. Pumpkin powder has the functions of lowering blood pressure and promoting digestion. It is rich in cobalt, which plays an important role in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis, and can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. In addition, cobalt can activate the metabolism of human body, promote hematopoietic function, and participate in the synthesis of vitamin B12 in human body. It is an essential trace element for human islet cells, and has a special effect on preventing diabetes and reducing blood glucose. Pumpkin powder contains a large amount of SOJ factor, which has the effect of prolonging life, especially for women has a certain beauty, weight loss effect. Pectin contained in pumpkin powder can also protect gastrointestinal mucosa from rough food stimulation and promote ulcer healing, which is suitable for patients with stomach disease. Pumpkin powder can also promote bile secretion, enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis and help food digestion.


1. Lower blood pressure and blood sugar

2. Promote digestion
3. Manage healthy weight
4. Enhance immunity of human body
5. Support healthy skin
6. Improve constipation
7. Help treat diabetes

Shipment Details
1. Packing: Packed in fiber drum, LDPE bag inside. Net weight: 25kgs/drum; 
2. Storage: Keep tightly sealed, store away from moisture, strong heat and sunlight;
3. Lead time: Usually 7-10days after order confirmed;
4. Shelf Life: 2 years if sealed and stored in the recommended conditions.