Mulberry Leaf Extract

Mulberry Leaf Extract

Botanical Source: Morus alba L.

CAS No.: 19130-96-2

Specification: 1-Deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) 1%-10%

Botanical source:Morus alba L

Synonyms:Mulberry leaf powder, White Mulberry Leaf Extract, White Mulberry Leaf Powder, 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ)

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Product Introduction
Appearance: Fine Brownish Yellow PowderAssay: 1-10% DNJ
Loss on Drying: NMT 7%Ash Content: NMT 7%
Total Plate Count:<1,000cfu/gTotal Yeast & Mold:<100cfu/g
E. Coli: NegativeSalmonella: Negative

Heavy Metals
Arsenic (As): NMT 2ppmLead (Pb): NMT 2ppm
Cadmium (Cd): NMT 0.5ppmMercury(Hg): NMT 0.1ppm

Mulberry leaf is a traditional Chinese herb medicine. People use it for relieving cough, curing dizzy, clearing eyes' fatigue, promoting the subsidence of swelling, curing dysentery, stomachache,  invigorating liver and skin-care, etc.

The active ingredient of Mulberry Leaf Extract is DNJ. It can inhibit the activation of α-glucosaminidase and inhibit catalytic reaction of α-glucosehydrolase, thus stopping and delaying starch food decomposing into monosaccharides of glucose, fructose, etc, and clearly inhibiting blood glucose rising rapidly after food. 


Reduce blood glucose;

Reduce blood pressure;

Reduce biochem cholesterol and reduce blood fat;

Prevent brain from aging;

Scavenge free radical activity, prevent atherosclerosis;

Soften blood vessels, enhance immune function;

Accelerate the skin regeneration and make the skin soft and rich in elasticity.

Shipment Details
1. Packing: Packed in fiber drum, LDPE bag inside. Net weight: 25kgs/drum; 
2. Storage: Keep tightly sealed, store away from moisture, strong heat and sunlight;
3. Lead time: Usually 7-10days after order confirmed;
4. Shelf Life: 2 years if sealed and stored in the recommended conditions;