Tannic acid application in cosmetics feild
Tannic acid, also known as tannin. Tannic acid is a suborganism produced by plant metabolism in the process of plant growth. It is a class of water-soluble polyphenolic compounds with a relative molecular weight between 500-3000Da. Almost all plants contain small amounts of tannins that animals can digest and use. These tannins are widely found in plant roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits.
According to the different structure of tannins, tannins can be divided into hydrolyzed tannins and condensed tannins.
The condensed tannic acid is also called proanthocyanidins.
Hydrolyzed tannic acid has a strong astringent effect, but also has a strong antioxidant function.
Tannin in our common Chinese medicine gallnut is a kind of hydrolyzed tannin, condensed tannin.
This paper mainly introduces the application of tannic acid in cosmetics.
Tannic acid has good antioxidant activity. In the chemical properties of tannic acid, due to the large number of hydroxyl groups in the structure of tannic acid, it has good antioxidant properties, which can effectively remove DPPH, ALP, OH-, H2O2 and NO free radicals. The antioxidant proanthocyanidin is also a condensed tannic acid.
Tannins also have astringent properties. Tannin can make the thick pores shrink, let the skin sweat glands expand, and studies have found that tannin can make the loose skin tense, convergence, reduce skin wrinkles, making the skin appear full and delicate appearance. The mechanism of this process is that tannic acid can be hydrogen bonded to proteins at multiple points, so it has a good function of polymerizing proteins.
South Korean company INKOS, has studied a plant tannic compound product that contains a large amount of tannic acid. It is because of this high tannin activity that a powerful convergence effect can be produced through the protein aggregation effect. At the same time, organic acids can remove dirt from pores. It also has a powerful antioxidant effect, which can remove reactive oxygen species from pollutants such as fine dust in the external environment and prevent skin aging. It is a product that can help clean pores and effectively shrink pores to make skin smooth.
Kingherbs combination of traditional Chinese herbal medicine and modern technology, gallnut tannic acid products, through strict quality testing, pure natural ingredients, excellent quality. A variety of products can meet different needs, welcomed by the market.