Betulinic Acid
Betulinic acid has several biological sources, which can be extracted from the leaves of Puja, betulin bark and jujube kernel. It can also be obtained by chemical synthesis with betulin as raw material. This method has been applied to industrial production which is now the main source of betulinic acid on the market.
Betulinic Acid main function:
1, Anti-cancer
2, Anti-inflammatory
3, Anti-bacteria
4, Anti-Virus
5, Anti-hyperlipidemia
6, Anti-Diabetic
7, Anti-Oxidant stress activity
At present, technician found that betulin and betulinic acid also have obvious anti-depressant and sedative, hypnotic effects.
In cosmetic, betulinic acid has the effect of whitening skin. Low concentration of betulinic acid can be used as a skin conditioning agent, and ascorbic acid to promote the formation of cortical collagen. In hair products to promote hair growth. Data on the elimination of free radical DMBA show that betulinic acid has anti-inflammatory and inhibiting effects on skin allergies, and the use of high SPF sunscreen lotion can reduce skin irritation.
To know more about betulinic acid, please visited Kingherbs Limited website at: https://www.kingherbs.com.cn/product/show/264.html