Great Promise of Vitamin K2
Insufficient calcium intake is a common problem among Chinese people. The 2013 edition of the Dietary
Insufficient calcium intake is a common problem among Chinese people. The 2013 edition of the Dietary Reference Intakes of Chinese Residents recommends that Chinese adults aged 18 to 49 consume 800 mg of calcium per day, but survey datas show that the actual average daily calcium intake of Chinese residents is only half of the recommended amount.
Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, osteoarticular diseases and so on. The "2020 Public Insight Report on Calcium Supplements" shows that the public's concept of calcium supplements has been enhanced, and over 70% of consumers believe that calcium supplements are very important. However, traditional calcium supplements are faced with the problem that calcium cannot be fully absorbed. When calcium is deposited into joints, blood vessels and other tissues and organs, it will lead to calcification of articular cartilage, hardening of blood vessels and other problems.
Recent studies have found that in addition to vitamin D, vitamin K2 also promotes calcium absorption, which supports bone and cardiovascular health.
There are two main methods for the production of vitamin K2, synthesis and fermentation. At present, fermentation is mainly used, and fermented foods include natto, cheese and yogurt.
There are many forms of vitamin K2, such as Menatetrenone (MK-4), Hexaenmenaquinone (MK-6), Heptaenmenadione (MK-7), etc. Compared with other forms, MK-7 has high absorption efficiency and excellent health benefits, and is also the main application form at home and abroad.
The main function of vitamin K2
1) Promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis
Osteocalcin is an important protein in the process of calcium ion absorption and bone formation. Vitamin K2 can regulate γ-glutamyl carboxylase, carboxylate the glutamic acid residues in osteocalcin into γ-carboxylated glutamic acid residues to activate osteocalcin. Carboxylated osteocalcin has the ability to bind calcium ions to form bone calcium, which is recognized by bone cells, promotes the directed deposition of calcium ions in the blood into the bone, moves calcium to suitable areas in the body, such as bones and teeth, and removes calcium from unsuitable areas in the body, such as arteries and soft tissues.
2) Prevent vascular calcification and improve arterial stiffness
Vitamin K2 can maintain the stability of calcium in the body. Without vitamin K2, the stability of calcium in the body is destroyed, and calcium will be enriched to the blood vessel wall, thus causing blood vessel calcification. Vitamin K2 encourages calcium to be deposited in the bone rather than in the walls of blood vessels, thus inhibiting vascular calcification.
3) Prevent dental caries
It has been found that vitamin K2, which is absorbed by the body, reduces inflammation by affecting oxidative stress in the hypothalamus/parotid axis. Vitamin K2 may play a beneficial role from the outside of the teeth by being involved in the activation of saliva signals and components, and its role in calcium balance may also be beneficial in preventing dental caries.
4) Improve brain cognitive function
Vitamin K2 is the main form of vitamin K in the brain. Studies have found that vitamin K2 is the electron carrier and energy enhancer of mitochondria, which can improve mitochondrial function and brain energy level, so as to improve cognitive function of the brain.
5) Act synergistically with vitamin D3
Studies have shown that vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 have synergistic effects on bone and cardiovascular health, and Vitamin K2 should be supplemented with vitamin D3.
Application of vitamin K2 in domestic and foreign markets
In China, vitamin K2 can be applied as a nutritional fortifier in milk powders for children and pregnant women. In other countries and regions, such as the United States, vitamin K2 is mainly used in dietary supplements, and different dietary products have been developed for different populations.
In 2019, the global market of vitamin K2 was about $110 million. With the expansion of the application field of vitamin K2, the market continues to grow and is expected to reach $380 million by 2025. At present, vitamin K2 can only be added as a nutritional fortifier in milk powders for children and pregnant women. in our country. With the further research and unremitting efforts of enterprises, it is believed that it can be used more widely in the future.