The Magic of Valerian Extract for a Better Sleeping


Valerian Root has been recognized as “Immortal herbs” or “Holly herbs” since the ancient times in Europe. Valerian, also known as the “sleeping herb”, has long been considered as an effective remedy for insomnia due to its calming and soothing properties.


Valerian which only grows on the gentle slope full of sunshine around 1000-2800 meters with above the sea level, is a precious plant. The main function is sleep assisting. Valerianic Acid and Valeranone are the main components of the volatile oil of Valerian. Together with the iridoids and amino acids, Valerian Extract act synergistically on the GABA receptors in the cerebral cortex, promote the release of GABA, inhibit the binding of GABA to the receptors, and thus regulate the function of the central nervous system. They reduce sleep latency. People will not feel sleepy after taking the Valerian and feel fresh after wake up the next day. It will not produce drowsiness or other uncomfortable symptom, and not produce drug dependence for long-term use.


Other functions of the Valerian Root Extract:

1, Sedative hypnotic effect: valtrate, dihydrovalerin, flavonoids, valerian ammonia alkali and valerianic Acid in valerian extract have sedative hypnotic effect, and they have synergistic effect with the volatile oil of valerian.

2, Relieve smooth muscle spasm: The iridoid in valerian extract has a strong smooth muscle relieving effect, which is used in the treatment of stomach spasmodic pain and dysmenorrhea. Combined with the volatile oil of Valerian extract, its spasmolysis effect can be increased.

3, The alkaloids in valerian extract have the anti-bacterial effects, especially in the against of gram-positive bacteria. In vitro experiments, it showed that valtrate and dihydrovalerin in valerian extract had anti-viral effects.

4, The Valerian Root Extract also has been used in assisting treatment of rheumatic disease, etc.