Report On Sugar Content in Soft Drinks 2021
On May 23, 2022, the Swiss Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine released the report on sugar content in soft drinks 2021. The main contents are as follows:
1, The report has evaluated and analyzed 967 drinks from 195 brands
2, Almost 40 percent of added sugar in the diet comes from beverages
3, Low percentage of sugar-free products (<10%)
4, The amount of sugar in different drinks varies widely. Non-alcoholic sparkling wine substitutes and energy drinks had the highest average sugar content, almost per 100ml drinks at 13g and 11g sugar content respectively;
5, Carbonated drinks contain more sugar than non-carbonated drinks. The non-alcoholic aperitif contains around 9g of sugar per 100ml. Iced tea and carbonated lemonade contain 6.7g of sugar per 100ml.
6, Drinks for children had higher levels of sugar on average than non-children's drinks. There are no sugar-free children's drinks.
Kingherbs offers sugar substitutes as following:
1, Stevia Extract
2, Monk Fruit Extract