The role of lignans in flaxseed extract
Flavonoids are compounds found in a variety of plants, including many common food sources. One of the most widely studied flavonoids is lignans, found in flaxseed extract. Lignans have multiple applications, and its pharmacological properties have made it a popular choice among health care providers and natural health aficionados alike.
Lignans have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It can block enzymes that lead to cancer cell multiplication, slow tumor growth and reduce the size of existing tumors. Studies have also shown that lignans can reduce cholesterol and neutralize the effects of harmful chemicals like benzopyrene. In addition, lignans are beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes.
Lignans have also been studied for its impact on women’s health. It’s believed to help regulate hormone levels and can reduce the risk of certain diseases, including breast and ovarian cancer. Studies suggest that lignans can reduce levels of breast pain, improve a woman’s fertility and extend the number of years women can remain fertile.
As a dietary supplement, lignans can help promote overall health and wellness. It’s believed to boost immunity, improve digestive health and help regulate metabolism. Lignans are usually found in flaxseed extract, which can be taken as a capsule, liquid or powder. It can also be added to smoothies or consumed in liquid form, like tea or coffee.
Overall, lignans have a number of health benefits that have been supported by scientific research and clinical trials. The antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effects and anti-cancer potential make it a promising class of flavonoids, and one that is gaining popularity among health care providers and natural health enthusiasts. However, more research is needed to understand the full potential of lignans, and to confirm its impact on human health.